Discovering the Art of Mathematics

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Discovering the Art of Mathematics is a US based project to teach Mathematics for Liberal Arts. Their goal is to provide resources for teachers in liberal arts and humanities, that allow their students to explore mathematical experiences that are intellectually stimulating, providing cognitive and metacognitive gains, and introducing the mathematical way of thinking on these fields.

Their main resource is a library of 11 books, inquiry-based learning guides, that can be used to plan a semester long course on mathematics for liberal arts students, or by independent chapters to specific activities. Titles on this collection include geometry, music, dance, the infinite, games and puzzles, calculus, patterns, and more. All the contents of the library are freely available on their web.

Discovering the Art of Mathematics is promoted and authored by professors of the Department of Mathematics of the Westfield State University (Minessota, United States). Their experiences using these materials provide feedback to the contents of the guides, so putting in practice the courses is an integrating part of the project. The real experiences on the classroom are well documented and shown on their website as a model to other educators. Furthermore, they offer workshops for faculty members interested in their materials and teaching techniques .