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IMAGINARY is a project of Math Communication by the Matematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach [1]. Originally developed as an open source traveling exhibition, it has grown to include two full exhibitions (through the eyes of mathematics and Mathematics of planet Earth), a collection of user exhibits submitted by particulars, a project of popularization of research in maths (Snapshots of current mathematics), and promotes some initiatives for the math outreach community (Math communication network). Its exhibitions have been displayed in more than 100 cities in 23 countries, atracting more than 1 milion visitors.

Exhibits from "Through the eyes of mathematics"

  • Programs
    • SURFER [2]. Visualization of algebraic surfaces in real time.
    • jReality Exhibit. Videogame-like environment with minimal surfaces and other mathematical objects.
    • Cinderella Applets. A collection of miscellaneous small interactive programs.
    • 3D-XplorMath. Rendering of various collections of surfaces.
    • Morenaments. Drawing patterns with the seventeen wallpaper groups.

Exhibits from "Mathematics of planet Earth"

Snapshots of current mathematics

Projects for the community

IMAGINARY promotes the interaction and collaboration of all people involved in math outreach. This includes the community of math museums and math communications, but also the academic world and the education world. IMAGINARY has started a Math Communication Network for people devoted to math dissemination, which includes a list and map of math museums, periodic newsletters with information not directly related with IMAGINARY, and a set of guidelines for the community known as the Dresden Declaration proposal (this proposal is not endorsed by any institution so far). It is also the administrator of this WikiMathCom.