Mathematical trip (Fermat Science)

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Pierre Fermat, a councillor mathematician
Fermat jbhu.jpg
On display at Fermat Science exhibit
Type Film
Topics mathematics, fermat, history

Voyage en mathématique (A mathematical trip) -

Jean-Baptiste HIRIART-URRUTY (Toulouse University 3) Pierre Fermat, a councillor mathematician is a sort film by Fermat Science.

Exhibit "Voyage en Mathématique" travel with mathematics and mathematicians throughout the history of mathematics.

Created by the association Fermat Science in collaboration with its scientific council in connection with specialists in mathematics. It is composed of 13 exhibitions. Each is created with interactive/educational board and a video of a mathematician.


Pierre Fermat, a councillor mathematician is a sort film by Fermat Science.



History and museology

The exhibit is an integral part of the exhibition "Voyage en Mathématique", curated by Fermat Science.
