Jean-Marc Castera

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Jean-Marc Castera is a French mathematical artist, mainly interested in tilings, quasi-crystals, and arabesque art.

Some works

  • Novae 1989-A. A short film made at the cradle of the CGI technology. This animation foresaw an interactive software that was never finished. The idea is a travel into the world of plolyhedra by means of several transformations chosen by the user, hence visualizing amongst them.
  • Géométrie douce 1 Another classical film (1992)that shows a morphogenesis of motifs from the geometric arabesques from the arabo-andalousian family. This is combined with a fractalization inspired by the Alhambra of Grenade.
  • Zéllij Experience. A traveling public animation consisting on the creation of arabesque mosaics.
Zéllij Experience at Salon Culture et Jeux Mathématiques, Paris, May 2015